Super Speed Internet & Browser Assistant

Super Speed Internet & Browser Assistant by Slamet Yanuar is free software that promises to improve browsing speed, help parents block sites, and block malicious activity. Unfortunately, its redundant features, poorly designed interface, and overly technical terms take away from its usefulness.

The application presents a compact interface crammed with 12 tabs that include General Statistics, Distributed Proxy, and Cache. On the General Statistics tab, it shows information such as Cache Hit Ratio and Connection to the Tool. It also shows Money Saved and Cost, although it isn't clear how this is determined. Each line of information is in a different color, which makes the interface a bit of an eyesore.

Super Speed's primary claim is that it saves bandwidth by caching pages and helps block viruses at the source. Most browsers offer options to work offline and block certain sites, so these aren't really necessary or useful features. And, although the publisher claims it can help parents control the sites their kids visit, it's unlikely that most parents will understand or even want to know a lot of the information it presents.

Super Speed Internet & Browser Assistant may be free, but it offers little to users except a great deal of information that most folks will never need. We also found that it installed a desktop icon without asking, which isn't a big deal, but it left some folders behind when it was uninstalled that had to be manually removed.

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